Pop-Up Contemporary is a mobile exhibition-concept, which can “pop-up” anywhere.
Pop-Up Contemporary is non-profit and an experimentarium for artists and guest curators to try new initiatives.
The exhibited artists are invited by the artistic board of Pop-Up Contemporary, who also helps finding the best location to showcase the new works of the invited artists.
Unpredictability is a must, concerning both the presented art, the artistic theme and the location.
Established as well as cutting edge artists, will be among the exhibitors. There will be solo- as well as group shows, events and publications.
The ability to transgress the different genres of art will be a significant ability amongst those invited.

Artists and curators who has been participating at pop-Up Contemporary exhibitions: 

Pop-Up Contemporary er et mobilt udstillings-koncept, der ”popper op” hvor som helst.
Pop-Up Contemporary er non-profit og et eksperimentarium for kunstnere og gæste-kuratorer for at afprøve nye kunstneriske ideer og initiativer.

De udstillende inviteres af POP-UPs kunstneriske panel, som for hver gang finder den bedst egnede location til at forløse en given kunstners nye værker.
Uforudsigelighed er et must både hvad angår den præsenterede kunst, det tematiske greb og lokalitet.
Etablerede kunstnere, såvel som cutting edge-kunstnere, vil være at finde blandt udstillerne. Der vil være solo- såvel som gruppeudstillinger, og events og udgivelser.
Ydermere vil en ubesværet vandring i genrer også være et kendetegn blandt de inviterede kunstnere.